

Si possono mixare vibrazione musicale istintiva e stimolo cognitivo complesso?

DJ show is a performance with a clear, seemingly simple objective: to make an audience dance within a dramaturgy. A playlist of songs from all genres and eras is alternated with quick actions, short texts, and passing visions, with the idea of staging an experiment that lies in-between a dj set and a theatre piece, where the real show is the dancing audience, where the structure is there but is designed to derail into the epidermal ritual of a group, where fun does not distract and thoughts do not interrupt the party, on the contrary: everything is mixed through the emulsifier of music. The question becomes: can one mix instinctive musical vibrations and complex cognitive stimulations? If the answer is yes: in this experiment, we will vibrate together to the notes of some of the thoughts, woes, and anxieties of our time. If the answer is no: well, in this experiment we will remove some of
the toxins, letting the individual anxieties and collective neuroses of these years slide to the ground in sweat.


creation Sotterraneo
conception and direction  Sara Bonaventura, Claudio Cirri, Daniele Villa
with Sara Bonaventura, Claudio Cirri
dramaturgy Daniele Villa
sound design Mattia Tuliozi
light design Marco Santambrogio

production Sotterraneo
with the contribution of Fondazione CR Firenze, Centrale Fies / Passo Nord, Centro di Residenza dell’Emilia-Romagna “L’Arboreto-Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale”
artistic residencies Laboratorio Nove House, Manifattura Tabacchi, Teatro delle Spiagge

Sotterraneo is part of the Fies Factory, associate artist at Piccolo Teatro Milano and is resident at Associazione Teatrale Pistoiese Production Centre




Spiagge, Firenze
Manifattura Tabacchi, Firenze
Spazio Gada, Firenze

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